niedziela, lipca 28, 2024

5533. Z oazy (CCLXIII)

Nie­dzielne odliczanie literek, raz. Od złożenia i opłacenia zamówienia do położenia tej książki na sto­licz­ku w ulu minęło pół roku. Nie czytałam jej, ja ją przeżywałam. Ponieważ prze­ży­wa­nie książki trwa znacząco dłużej niż nawet najwolniejsze jej czy­ta­nie, całość zamieniła się w pełno­wy­mia­ro­wą degustację.

Dotarła do ula cztery dni po śmierci Arny’ego. Towarzyszyło mi podczas jej czytania Jego życz­liwe kiwanie głową i miłość do świata. Komentował co jakiś czas, że to i owo w psy­cho­lo­gii procesu właśnie w analizie jungowskiej ma swoje korzenie, co dziwić nie może, biorąc pod uwagę przeszłość Mindella. Mo­gę po­ku­sić się o po­rów­na­nie: psychologia procesu ma się do analizy jungowskiej jak C do C++ w świecie języków programowania. Psychologia procesu to analiza jungo­wska++, za­nim plus zaczął nam się paskudnie kojarzyć, gdy stał się tępym na­rzę­dziem po­li­ty­cznej ma­ni­pu­la­cji.

Historia pewnego analizowanego rozśmieszyła mnie do łez, więc nie miało dla mnie znaczenia, jak dużo literek będzie trzeba przeklepać, musiałam ją tu mieć. Mam. Jest fantastyczna i przezabawna. Upór zwany oporem to wielka siła.

Symbole spontanicznie tworzy nieświadomość,
świadomość zaś dokonuje ich amplifikacji.

Carl Gustav Jung, Odpowiedź Hiobowi, przeł. Robert Reszke,
Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2024.

🖇 🖇

The floods of feeling make no sense to the conscious mind, because the conscious mind did not produce them.


[…]  learn how to go to the unconscious and become receptive to its mes­sages. It is the only way to find the unknown parts of ourselves.


Symbols connect us spontaneously to the deep parts of ourselves that we have longed to touch.


To get a true sense of who we are, become more complete and integrated human beings, we must go to the unconscious and set up communication with it. […]
     Most people, however, do not approach the unconscious voluntarily. They only become aware of the unconscious when they get into trouble with it.


[…]  the unconscious has the habit of borrowing images from the exter­nal situation and using those images to symbolize something that is going on inside the dreamer.


Our culture teaches us to focus on the external world, so we jump to the con­clusion that our dreams are talking about something on the outside. This is a collective prejudice we suffer from: We spontaneously assume that only the outer world has any importance.
     The true significance of the inner world becomes more clear when we be­gin to realize that almost everything we do, every reaction we have, every decision we make, every relation we form, ultimately results from our inner qualities and inner dynamics. Everything is controlled by the huge energy systems that propel us from within, that determine most of what we think and do.


No dream symbol can be separated from
the individual who dreams it.
Gustav Jung


[…]  we don’t know, we have them [attitudes]. If we are consciously aware of them as our beliefs, we assume that they are right; it rarely occurs to us to question them.
     At a certain point our dreams begin to challenge them and point them out to us, for the process of inner growth demands that we examine consciously everything that motivates us.


The archetype is present in me,
acting through me,
living its life through mine.


Most aspects of our shadows, these qualities that we see as “negative”, would in fact be valuable strengths if we made them conscious.


Our dreams constantly speak to us of
our beliefs and attitudes.


The dream uses this dramatic image to get your attention and tell you that you need to wake up to something inside you.


[…]  your dream is composed of energy systems […]. […]  it offers insights and liberates you from patterns you’ve been stuck in […].


Keep your physical ritual small and subtle, and 
they will be more powerful.


The best rituals are physical, solitary, and silent: These are the ones that register most deeply with the unconscious.


Doing a physical act has a magical effect on dream work. It takes your understanding of the dream off the purely abstract level and gives it an immediate, concrete reality. It is a way of putting your dream into the here-and-now of your physical life.


It may go this way, or 
it might go another way.
Only time will tell.


Your dreams are concerned with you: what is going on inside you, the invisible energies that are shaping your inner path, the areas of your life where you need to become conscious or make changes.


Dreams are aimed at the unfinished business of your life, showing what you need to face next, what you need to learn next. In the inner life, we never reach the point at which we can stop learning […].


Remember, the main function of a dream is to communicate something to you that you don’t know, that you are unaware of, that lives in the un­con­scious. Your dream will not waste your time by telling you what you al­ready know and understand […].


Every dream is a portrait of the dreamer.


The unconscious is fair with us. It allows our egos to do exactly what they insist on doing, so long as we take responsibility for our choices and accept the consequences.


In your dreams, learn to watch for the small details and read what they are saying. They will make the difference in understanding a situation that would otherwise seem ambiguous.


With the act of writing, you begin to get a better feeling about wherever it really makes sense to you or not.


[…]  take the time to dream,
remember […]  dreams,
work on […]  dreams […].

[…]  every movement becomes a symbol-in-motion that car­ries the power of the inner world into visible and physical form.
     Whether we are aware of it or not, much of our behavior is symbolic.


Although we can understand the meaning of symbols with our minds, our understanding is made immeasurably deeper and more concrete when we feel the symbols with our body and our feelings. […]  But if we do something to express the symbol—something that involves our bodies and our emo­tions—the symbol becomes a living reality for us.


[…]  all our dreams manifest both inwardly and outwardly. It is only our unawareness that prevents us from seeing the subtle connections.


You can always do a simple physical […].
Light a candle. Do something.


[…]  dreams that seem small and simple can have earth-shaking impli­ca­tions for the dreamer […].


In Jung’s model, the feeling function is not connected with emotions […]. When people feel, they are actually assigning value.


All the interactions we see between the persons in our dreams are forms of communication among the various parts of our total self.


Most communication in the psyche begins in conflict. The un­con­scious parts our personalities have to fight for “equal time,” for some re­cog­ni­tion, against the dominant attitudes and power systems of the conscious mind.


Sometimes, in the areas of love and feeling, wild grasses and wildflowers are better than formal gardens.


From that first act—the crucial movement of the hand and the mind—begins all the magical and amazing unfolding of the inner mysteries that your un­con­scious stands ready to accomplish.


[…]  the unconscious is powerful: If we are going to approach it, respect and care are in order.


[…]  the dream and imagination come from the same source in the unconscious.


If a figure appears in the imagination and seems to have nothing to say at first […]  It is better to ask questions than to lecture or start making pro­nounce­ments, because the basic attitude you want to show is a willing­ness to listen.


[…]  if you go to the inner place and search, you will find some­one wait­ing for you.
     I had a patient years ago who had terrible time getting started in his Active Imagination. Nothing ever seemed to happen to him in his external life, and the same dull quality carried over into his imagination. He was an absolute blank. So I told him to go [in his mind] to the beach, as I [fre­quent­ly] do, and start walking, and look around and see who he would meet.
     The next week he returned and said: “Yes. I walked on the beach. But no one wanted to talk to me. Nothing happened.”
     So I got mildly upset: “Look! Something has to happen. You walk on the beach long enough and your feet will get blisters. You’ll have to go to the hospital. You’ll fall in love with the nurse and get mar­ried. Something will happen. Now go do it!”
     The following week he returned, looked at me with his absolutely serious, deadpan expression, and said: “The nurse wasn’t any good, so I didn’t mar­ry her.” But at least he got started.


You don’t know what is going to happen until it happens.

Robert A. Johnson, Inner Work. Using Dreams and
Active Imagination for Personal Growth
HarperCollins Publishers, New York 2009.
(wyróżnienie własne)

The unconscious is an enormous field of energy, much larger than the conscious mind.


Ask questions, express your feelings. […] 
     Probably nothing gets the dialogue going as quickly or on as deep a level as does an expression of feelings.


It is awesome and frightening to
take your sense of inferiority.


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