niedziela, sierpnia 11, 2024

5548. Z oazy (CCLXIX)

Nie­dzielne odliczanie literek, raz. Pierwsza książka tego Autora przyszła do ula, po prawie półrocznym oczekiwaniu, cztery dni po śmierci Arny’ego. Od tej pory Jego Duch i ra­dosny, pełen życzliwości śmiech towarzyszą mi, gdy czytam jun­gi­stów. Czytanie w tak wy­bor­nym, wspie­ra­ją­cym towa­rzy­stwie zrodziło pomysł, by wrócić do kilku książek, ale też zanurzyć się w nowych, któ­rych zawartość kreślona była jun­go­wską perspektywą.

Odpoczywam przy takich książkach, ładuję baterie, oliwię zębatki zrozumienia czy­nio­ne­go przez czucie, wymieniam uszczelki, przemeblowuję wewnętrzne kom­na­ty, odkrywam nieznane do tej pory stryszki.

Projekcja… Jeszcze szerzej otwieram przed nią ramiona! Hmmm… Jeśli projektu­jesz coś na mnie, to z jednej strony „prosisz” mnie, bym poniosła przez chwilę Twoje złoto; z drugiej ktoś w Tobie widzi, że i ja mam złoto tej konkretnej próby, inaczej nie oddał_byś mi swojego na przechowanie.

Read Greek mythology, read Jung,
and watch. Watching is best.

— Fritz Kunkel


Inner gold is the highest value in the human psyche. It is our soul, the Self, the innermost part of our being. It is us at our best, our twenty-four-karat gift to ourselves. Everyone has inner gold. It isn’t created, but it does have to discovered. When I speak about gold this way, I am also speaking about God. These are two ways to describe the mystery.


When we awaken to a new possibility in our lives,
we often see it first in another person.


When we observe the things we attribute to the other person, we see our own depth and meaning […]  Projection our inner gold offers us the best chance for an advance in consciousness.


[…]  the best alchemists were those working with the
gold of the spirit.


The exchange of gold is a mysterious process. It is our gold, but it’s too heavy for us, so we need someone else to carry it for a time.


This is how we grow. Everyone comes to be where he or she is now, to some extent, through the exchange of gold.


We see only the “ten thousand things” that we project.


It is only after you get your gold back that
you can see the gold of the other person.


You’ve projected your gold, your deepest inner value, onto the other person. You’ve given it to her to incubate for a while, until you are ready to take it back. […] If we could only understand that we put our gold in someone’s lap for a period of time—until we get stronger—and someday it will come to an end.


Almost all psychological suffering is caused by mixing levels.


When you are struck, when gold is being exchanged, sit quietly until the smoke clears and you see where you are.


Being in love is a deep religious experience, for many people the only religious experience they’ll ever have, the last chance God has to catch them.


All affect is interior. Any emotional impact we experience is inside us. […] You set it off, but what you set off is my business. Anything that can burn in a person should burn. Only the things that are fireproof are worth keeping. If you can hurt my feelings, they are better off hurt, because it’s an error in me.
     To take inwardly what is inward is a great art.


Dr. von Franz helped me […] when she said, “Don’t behave as though your projection is a dog you can whistle home anytime you want it.” The next time you ask someone to carry your gold, make the effort to know what is going on. Stay in contact with your own gold as you put it on someone else.


We barely understand how much of what we perceive in others and the outside world are actually parts of ourselves.


When you can put a name and form to it, when you can say what you are lonely for, you’re halfway free. Being conscious is your greatest ally.


Hell is a frozen place of unrelatedness, disconnectedness.


When our value and sense of meaning are always outside ourselves—there is someone, something, some place, or some condition that will cure our pro­blem, “just as soon...”—we are stuck in an insoluble problem.


No relationship can survive unless it includes reality […].


“Just as soon” is an intermediate stage where you sense what matters to you, but you externalize it and don’t yet claim it as your own. […] but it is to soon to realize that it is your own gold. To sense this value, even if you can­not yet own it, is a start.


The only cure for loneliness is aloneness.
/medieval proverb/


Dr. Jung said that every person who came into his consulting room was either twen­ty-one or forty-five, no matter their chronological age. The twenty-one-year-old is looking backward and must conquer it. The forty-five-year-old is being touched by something he cannot yet endure. These are the only two subjects of therapy.


[…]  the midlife crisis […]. You’re going along, things pretty well in hand, and suddenly you fall into a whole.


The more sensitive and intelligent you are, the deeper the hole might be. […]  This will be one of the most profound experiences of your life.
     […]  But the journey is essentially inner. This is the most important thing to learn.


You don’t come out of Hell through the door you entered.


Reason can take you no further. From here on, it’s inspiration The vision […] takes over now.


We all follow the same path.

Robert A. Johnson, Inner Gold. Understanding Psychological
, Chiron Publications, Asheville, North Carolina 2017.
(wyróżnienie własne)

If you take the inner world literally into our time–space world, you lose it.


Please observe the energy investments you make.


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