poniedziałek, grudnia 13, 2021

4481. Chronos odwrócony (II)

Musiałam poczekać na dzienne światło, by cyk, ale nie musiałam czekać, by dele­kto­wać się kreską i literkami. Przedwczoraj przy pierwszej kawie w ulu byłam w pod­wój­nym niebie.

Istnienie tego piękna odkryłam przy okazji zająknięcia się na temat tej książki. Na­tych­miast zrobiłam klik, klik i szło do ula. Trzeba było tylko poczekać na powrót z gi­gan­ta do domu. Popłakała mnie ta książka szybko i skutecznie, czyli jest taka, jak lubię — poruszająca.

Muchness is the full-hearted abundance of hope, joy, and imagination that each of us has when we come into this world. It is there for us to love, to dare, to dream, to create, and to live our best life.


You are bursting with promise, potential, and possibility. You have so much to give, and so much to offer.
     This is your life. This is your time. This is your chance to do everything you’ve wanted to do.
     Live bravely, care deeply, share freely. Get the most out of each shining moment. Fill your life with love and stuff your days with wonder. Because when you willingly throw yourself into everything you do, that’s when you come alive—that’s when the magic sparks.


Don’t wait for things to be simpler, easier,
or better. Life will always be complicated.
Learn to be happy now. And know that no
matter the time or day, it will always be now.


Gratitude is the secret to happiness.
When you are grateful, you find
so much more to be grateful for.



Dream until it’s true.
Believing it’s possible is an
essential part of making it so.



If in doubt, love more.
The heart is much like a balloon:
the fuller it becomes,
the more it wants to fly.


Lose yourself in what you love.
Find yourself there too.


Stand up for what you believe, even if your legs are shaky.
Being brave and being afraid often occur at the same time.

Kobi Yamada, Finding Muchness: How to Add More Life to Life, ilustr. Charles Santoso, Compendium, Seattle (WA) 2021.
(wyróżnienie własne)

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