niedziela, października 15, 2023

5226. Z oazy (CXCIV)

Nie­dzielne odliczanie literek, cztery. Dodatek do październikowego przydziału wło­skich literek. Książka, a w zasadzie książeczka, która robi wrażenie notatnika, w któ­rym zatrzymano chwile, przebłyski świadomości, drobiny mądrości. Czasem jestem kotem, czasem żółwiem…

Są w tej książce ilustracje, których fragmenty zachwycają. Są też takie, że pomimo braku odpowiedniego wykształcenia, mam pewność, że coś jest z nimi nie tak. To jednak nie przeszkadzało mi, by cieszyć się całością opowieści.

“I wonder what lies beyond the horizon?” Said the cat.

“The unknown.” Replied the tortoise.


“I would like to see the unknown.” Said the cat.

“I would like to stay at home.” Said the tortoise.



“I heard the most wonderful things
happen during adventures”
Said the cat.
“If only we were brave enough to
take the first step.”






“That happens sometimes...”
replied the cat.

“...but if we wait long enough
for it to lift, a bright new
world will be revealed.”



“That tree is far too fall for me,”
said the tortoise,
“can I climb on your back?”

“Of course,” replied the cat, “sometimes
apples are out of reach, until we ask for help.”



“[…]  you sound very uncertain.”
Said the tortoise.

“I am,” replied the cat, “but with
on uncertain future.. comes
infinite possibilities.”



“I don’t like asking for help,” said the tortoise, “I’m not usually brave enough.”

“But sometimes, asking for help is the bravest thing you can do.” Replied the cat.


“Do you think following the horizon will make us happy?” Asked the tortoise.
     “I do.” Replied the cat.
     “Why?” Asked the tortoise.
     “Because those who follow their own horizons, are usually the ones who find happiness.” Said the cat.



“And to think you said you weren’t brave.” Said the cat.

I’m braver than I thought.” Replied the tortoise.


“Oh dear, look at that crocked tree,” said the cat, “it is a shame to see things broken.”

“Even the mightiest trees can be broken by the wind”, replied the tortoise, “but being broken doesn’t mean it’s the end.”


“Do you think it was a good idea to seek the horizon?” Asked the cat. “Perhaps I should have stayed at home, too.”

“I think it was an excellent idea!” Replied the tortoise. “In order for anything good t happen... an idea must become an action.”


“But you never know what
you can achieve until you
try.” Said the cat.





“There... that wasn’t difficult, was it?” Said the cat.
     “Things rarely are as bad as they seem.” Replied the tortoise.

Christopher Stokes, Beyond the Horizon. With the cat & the tortoise,
Independently published, Walsall 2021.
(wyróżnienie własne)

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