niedziela, listopada 20, 2022

4832. Z oazy (LXXXVII)

Dwuniedzielne odliczalnie literek, cztery. Czy to już tradycja? Pierwszą książkę o Pan­dzie i Smo­ku zamówiłam rok temu, jeszcze w ulu, ale przyszła do mnie i towa­rzy­szy­ła mi na zeszłorocznym, listopadowym gigancie. Drugą książkę o Pandzie i Smoku, czyli tę, zamówiłam na tym turnusie gi­gan­ta i szczęśliwie trafiła w moje ręce w ostatni piątek, wróżąc wspaniały weekend.

Zupełnie inna niż pierwsza część, choć ci sami bohaterzy, ale równie doskonała. Tak samo pięknie wyciska łzy wzruszenia. Zryczała mnie okrutnie…

The story begins with change […]  and ends with change […]. Both of these changes are scary, but both could be considered necessary to move through life and become less fearful and more content.
     When I first set out to create the book, I decided to base it on the idea of a spiritual journey which starts not simply with discontent, but the acknow­ledge­ment of this discontent and the desire to do something about it.
// z posłowia.

*  *  *






‘Something needs to change, my little friend,’
said Big Panda.
‘But if making the change was easy,
it probably wouldn’t make very much difference.’

Great change requires great effort.




Even the greatest storm will pass...


‘This is not where we would
choose to be,’ said Big Panda,

‘but it is where we are...

And if you try to forget about what has
happened, just for a moment,
and look around,

you might see that this is
one of the most beautiful moments
we have ever experienced



I just trust in life to take us where we need to be.



And he began to feel that the emptiness inside him
was like a cup waiting to be filled.

Filled with all the wonders the world had to offer.

There was pain, of course,
but there was much beauty too.


‘It seems that the more I unclench my hand,’ said Tiny Dragon,
the more the world seems to place into it.’


‘But you always seem to know the answers,’ said Tiny Dragon.
Big Panda grinned.
‘Well, I have made a lot more mistakes than you.’


James Norbury, The Journey. A Big Panda and Tiny Dragon,
Michael Joseph, London 2022.
(wyróżnienie własne)

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